Science is dynamic,
knowledge exchange facilitates the use of novel methods and exchange of know-how, enabling cutting-edge research.
We have a 19-month postDoc position for Bioinformatics/population geentics + metagenomics. Application deadline 1st Dec 2024.
We have a 4-year PhD position in the BBSRC NRP DTP programme about bacterial evolution in the humna gut.
Visiting researchers and scientific exchanges
We are happy to host visiting researchers and internships with complimentary interests, usually starting from 3 months stay or longer.
MSc by Research
We welcome individuals who wish to study a Masters by Research in any area that relates to our core research themes. You can find more information about completing a Masters by Research here.
Also consider open positions that our two hosting Institute, Quadram and Earlham, might have. If you are interested in these opportunities or have further inquiries, please contact us.